
Friday, October 16, 2020

Camp exsplanation

 What is the best way for kids to take days off from school? Ummm SCHOOL CAMP.

What is the best way for kids to show Whanaungatanga? Hmmm SCHOOL CAMP.

The camp was partially funded by parents, 70$. But the rest was subsidised by the school.

School camp is a good way for kids to take some days off from school and have a rest, and have a break from social media/internet. And give your parents a rest.

It's good for kids to have school camps so they can get to know eachother better. The school camp that i went to was my second time going to camp. The first time  I  went to camp was exciting and fun. Even the other school camp that i went to was fun and exciting, bad things happened but i still liked camp. It's good to take a vacation and go camping. Spend time with other kids and get to know them alot. 

Kids should take a break from the internet/social media, like instagram, games for 5 days or a week. You should make new friends at camp. I took a break from the internet and social media for 5 days and took a break from school. At my camp I bunked with some cool friends Wesley, Havea, Davlyn, Mathew, Kordell, Eh thoo, Railey and Isi. 

The new place that you're gonna see is the nice view, you might be away from your parents for the first time. And camp could be a holiday for you. When I was at my camp it felt like it was 2 weeks but actually it was 5 days. And when I saw the nice view I wanted to take a photo but I didn't have a phone or chromebook there. You will have a great time at camp raglan and you will have activities there. The activities at my camp were great, I got to do rock climbing, flying fox, sports, kayaking and group games. 

The new experience and new skills will be new food, the lullaby, paddle boarding, kayaking, roasting marshmallows, orienteering, slide, beach walk, pool, rock climbing, obstacle course, sheep/cow and contest. The kayaking for me was terrible because I fell in the water and it took like two hours. And walking to the beach was good exercise for me because I lost some weight. And the long slide was scary at first but i got used to it and then i started liking it. The obstacle course was fun but it had poop everywhere and I got electric shock from the electric fence. 

The night walk that I went to was scary but cool at the same time because we had tources to see but didn’t have that many tources. Roasting marshmallows inside was kinda stinky but i hope next time it's not raining that much. The contest that we had was fun and great. I was excited for camp but there was some trouble. 3 windows were broken, two doors were broken, fights were happening, and kids were feeling blue/sad. Leaving parents will be hard for you but you're gonna get used to it like me and my friends. 

Games encourage kids to participate in sports or any contest. Cause i don't like any camp to be like the one i went to. I don't want kids to be sad, I want kids to be happy and excited. Don't stay by yourself, and don't feel like you're lonely because there's other kids around you. And if you want to talk about something talk to a teacher or a best friend/ close friend. Never be by yourself. Go and play with kids. I will never again have something fun in my whole life. Kids will be happy.

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