
Monday, November 16, 2020


 Last friday Tamaki Primary had athletics, my team was Tripoli. There are 4 house's called Alamain, Tobruk, Benghazi and number one Tripoli so my team didn't actually come in first place. 

When we got to school, junior kids were waiting for the classes to open so the seniors could paint the junior kids, so they could decorate their house gazebos. when the time hit 9:00 everyone had to go to their classes to mark the role and put our age number on our hands. then we had to walk to our gazebos so we could get ready for the activities. As the time went by Mrs Ashley was ringing the bell after 20 minutes so we can go to different activities. 

When everyone finished their sessions it was morning tea. There were parents with their kids eating and parents with their kids eating. T.P.S was serving ice blocks for 1 dollar and sausage sizzle for 2 dollars. Everyone was just playing around with the stuff and high jump mat. No one was allowed to go to the shops but KIDS!! Were caught going to the shops. After morning tea all of the kids had to pick up rubbish for bonus points. 

When we did racing some kids were cheering and some kids were playing. First the races started with the youngest kids in the school until it went to the eldest in the school. 

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